Record store fights to keep deaf cat behind the counter after customer complaints





Catfight over record store pet.

New Zealand record store Vinyl Destination has publicly defended its 15-year-old deaf cat after a complaint was filed to the council in an attempt to shut down the shop.

The shop – which also sells comics, toys and coffee – prides itself on Callaway, its resident mascot cat, who is as much a part of the store as the vinyl racks themselves. The cat is so popular with customers that it even has its own Facebook page with 500 fans.

The trouble began when Owner Luke Wormald received a message on Facebook from someone ranting about the cat. “He [then] put a post up saying ‘this is terrible, this is a cat in a place where you sell food’,” Luke told NZ Herald. Two hours later Wormald received a call from the council informing him that they had received an anonymous complaint.

Wormald has since aired his frustration on social media, posting a photo of Callaway and explaining that the store and Callaway were abiding by the rules. “We’ve had nearly 70,000 people see it [the Facebook post]. It’s actually gone viral,” Luke continued. “It just goes to show that there are people who don’t mind it and want us here.”

The council visited the shop yesterday and has made clear that the shop is not in the wrong so Callaway is here to stay despite a traumatic week.

Check out some ultra cute photos of the cat below:


